Sims 3: The Sims Medieval Cheats, Unlock Quests for PC

The Sims Medieval video game in based upon The Sims 3 Engine, developed and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, released on March 22, 2011.
Set in medieval times, it allows the player to build a kingdom through quest-driven Gameplay. The Sims Medieval provides a medieval setting for the player to work within, with newly designed buildings and scenery to give an authentic "back in time" experience.
Players will build a kingdom up, send Sims on quests, and earn rewards in the form of Kingdom Points. The game diverges from the series in that players can win the game by achieving a kingdom ambition. Ambitions include "Best In Show", "Busy Builder", "Efficient Expander", "Fame", "Filled Coffers", "Hard Workers", "Imperial Domination", "Legendary", "No Quest For The Weary", "Safe And Sound", "Thoughts And Prayers", and "Wealthy Populace".
The Sims Medieval Cheats
Please access Cheats Window by pressing Shift + Control + CTo exit/close Cheats Window please press Escape key
- DisableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on/off - When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding ALT (not tested)
- enablellamas on/off - toggles Llama Mode (not tested)
- fadeObjects on/off - Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. (not tested)
- fps on/off - Toggles the frame rate display in the upper right corner of the screen. (not tested)
- Fullscreen on/off - Toggles between full screen and windowed modes.
- Help - Prints most cheats.
- hideHeadlineEffects on/off - Removes all plumbobs and thought balloons above Sims.
- kaching - Adds $1,000 to active Sim's funds.
- maptags on/off - Toggles map tags on and off (It's not invalid, but I don't see any change in the game. Then again I could just be blind)
- motherlode - Adds $50,000 to active Sim's funds.
- quit - quits the game (duh)
- recordvideo [small/medium/large] [low/moderate/high/max] - Starts recording video with specified size and quality. (not tested)
- RerollQuests - Re-randomizes the available quests. (not tested)
- slowMotionViz - Puts visuals in slow motion. 0 = Normal, 8 = Slowest (not tested)
- speed - Sets game speed. 0 = paused, 4 = ultra speed through current actions. (not tested)
The Sims Medieval Extra Cheats and Quests By Cracking Command Initialization file
Please locate the following file on your Windows PC:C:\Program Files\Electronic Carts\The Sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Ini\Commands.iniFile Commands.ini is read-only by default, uncheck its Read-Only attribute by choose Properties from right click menu on the file.
Then open the file in notepad, find and and change following paramenter value:
TestingCheatsEnabled=0 to TestingCheatsEnabled=1Go to File Menu, choose Save.
Now you are all set in Testing cheats mode in order to get extra cheats. When you now load up the game you will be able to click and drag the Hunger/Energy and sim relationship bars left or right to make them full or empty. The 'help' console command will now also give you a list of additional cheats and optional.
- ShowAllQuests - unlocks all quests
- DisableClothingFilter on/off- Disables clothing filter
- DisableRespos - Disables Responsibilities of active Sim
- EnableRespos - Enables Responsibilities of active Sim
- setMood [min, max, supermax, or whatever % you want] Set mood of active Sim
- Shift+Click Any > Set Relationship
- Shift+Click Player > Set Relationship or Modify Traits
- Click Drag on Hunger/Energy - Lower or fill.
The Simsl Unlock Codes for All Quests and GoldSimoles
Please press Ctrl + Shift + C during the game play, to bring up the command prompt or furnish mode and enter the following case sensitive codes to enable the corresponding effect.- Please enter the code kaching to get 1,000 Simoles
- Please enter the code motherlode to get 50,000 Simoles
- Please enter the code RerollQuests to get Randomizes Available Quests
- Please enter the code 'ShowAllQuests' to unlock ALL the Quests. Entering this code makes the quests infinitely replayable.
Partial Floor Pattern
During Furnish mode select the desired floor pattern from the available floor patterns and press and hold the 'Shift' key. Then Left-click the mouse while hovering over the active floor to place the partial floor pattern. Doing this enables you to place floor patterns in partial sections rather than whole grid squares.
After I changed the 0 to 1, do I need to check the Read-Only attribute (which I un-checked, as you said) ??