Apple Mac OS X Lion 10.7: Features, Demo, Price, Release Date

Steve Jobs has announced Apple Mac OSX Lion, with 250+ new applications and features. Apple Mac OSX Lion is the highly anticipated new version of Mac OSX operating system after Apple Mac OSX Leopard and Apple Mac OSX Snow Leopard versions.
Apple Mac OSX Lion will support iCloud with ability to be integrated with iOS devices.The new OS will provide users data integration (or centralization or of the content), where available on an iOS devices, computer, or iColud.
Apple Mac OSX Lion Features
Apple Mac OSX Lion has more than 250 new features, some of which were demonstration at 2011 WWDC e.g:- Multi-Touch Gestures Apple has always had multi-touch gestures integrated into the system, but nothing like this before. Apple is focusing on application switching and navigating through your Mac with just your trackpad, simplifying your actions.
- Full-Screen Apps is introducing new ways to naturally run applications in a full screen mode that won’t disrupt anything on your system.
- Mission Control that shows all apps and documents you are working on. Allows you to view an overview of your system and applications that are running grouped by application,
- New Photo Booth with face detection
- Mac App Store is the now the #1 channel for buying PC software. It’s ahead of Best Buy, Walmart, and Office Depot.
- Launchpad uses pinch gesture to see Apps in a grid, like iOS. Like your iOS device it contains application pages that are arranged in a grid format that can be organized into folders and update just like iOS applications.
- Full-Screen Apps introduces new ways to naturally run applications in a full screen mode that won’t disrupt anything on your system.
- Resume saves the state of your application when you close it. Upon starting the application again it will reload your application exactly how you left it with all settings that you left it with. Mac apps save states, just like iOS Apps. Windows, selections, tools, even highlighted text are just the way you left them.
- Auto Save eliminates the need for saving a document because the system will save it for you so you don’t forget.
- Versions provide you facility through which you can view the history of your documents from the time you started, while working with Auto Save. The application looks exactly like Time Machine and acts the same to give you glimpse of the history.
- Document control auto saves versions, just like Time Machine.
- AirDrop is peer to peer sharing. Drop file onto auto-discovered user and they can accept it easily. When trying to share files, Apple made it easier when sharing with others Mac’s. AirDrop is in direct competition with applications that share files.
- Sandbox for better security
- New Mail app is over-haul of Apple default mail application to create a more user-friendly experience with a larger reading area and a new threaded view of mail conversations. With searching now we have new search suggestions. Mail recognizes whether that’s a person or a subject… select one it becomes a search token. Threaded email can hide (or show) redundant FWD and RE that clutters up emails.
Apple Mac OSX Lion Demo
Apple executives Phil Schiller and Craig Federighi has shown Apple Mac OSX Lion new gestures, full screen apps, Mission Control, LaunchPad, installing Lion through the Mac App Store, auto-save files & Versions, AirDrop Peer-to-Peer file sharing, new Mail app. Here under is full Apple Mac OSX Lion Official Video intro to be watched:Apple Mac OSX Lion Price and Release Date
New Apple Mac OSX Lion is 4GB, only available on Mac App Store. Its Developer Preview will be available to public in July, 2011.A buy once, single purchase will cover multiple installations on all of your authorized personal Macs, making that $29.99 an incredible deal. Make sure you meet the system requirements and get ready!
Update: Guys! waiting days are over. The new Apple Mac OS X Lion and MacBook Air 2011 has been finally just released. Please feel free to share your impressions and feeling here. Adnan Malik on July 20,2011
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