Ancient Mystery ‘Atlantis The Lost City’ Discovered by National Geographic

Wonder or Fantasy of the Ancient World, The lost city of Atlantis is buried 60 miles inland under marshland on the South Atlantic coast of Spain, the new documentary has claimed.
Scientists claim to have pinpointed the exact location of the metropolis under mud flats in southern Spain. The team of archaeologists and geologists are convinced that Atlantis, swamped by a tsunami is submerged just north of Cadiz.
Richard Freund, from University of Hartford, who is leading the research team, told Reuters.
This is the power of tsunamis, It is just so hard to understand that it can wipe out 60 miles inland, and that’s pretty much what we’re talking about. We found something that no one else has ever seen before, which gives it a layer of credibility, especially for archeology, that makes a lot more senseTeam used a satellite photo to solve the age-old mystery of a suspected submerged city. Buried in the vast marshlands of the Dona Ana Park they found a strange series of ‘memorial cities,’ built in Atlantis’ image by the refugees who fled the destructive tsunami. The team of archeologists and geologists in 2009 and 2010 used a combination of deep-ground radar, digital mapping, and underwater technology to survey the site.
Freund’s discovery in central Spain of a strange series of “memorial cities,” built in Atlantis’ image by its refugees after the city’s likely destruction by a tsunami, gave researchers added proof and confidence, he said. Atlantis residents who did not perish in the tsunami fled inland and built new cities there, he added.
The team’s findings will be unveiled on Sunday in “Finding Atlantis,” a new National Geographic Channel special. Freund said the ‘twist’ of finding the memorial cities makes him confident Atlantis was buried in the mud flats.
Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis some 2,400 years ago, describing it as “an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Hercules,” as the Straits of Gibraltar were known in antiquity. Using Plato’s detailed account of Atlantis as a map, searches have focused on the Mediterranean and Atlantic as the best possible sites for the city.Debate about whether Atlantis truly existed has lasted for thousands of years. Plato’s “dialogues” from around 360 B.C. are the only known historical sources of information about the iconic city. Plato said the island he called Atlantis “in a single day and night, disappeared into the depths of the sea.”
Experts plan further excavations at the site where they believe Atlantis is located and at the mysterious “cities” in central Spain 150 miles away to more closely study geological formations and to date artifacts.
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