Lamborghini Urus SUV: First Super Sport Utility Vehicle

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The "Gallardo" can steal the spotlight, and the "Aventador" even manages to take off the air in the lungs, but with the Beijing Auto Show 2012 in full regalia, the Lamborghini Urus SUV making people believe something else. This is the Urus, a concept SUV or "SUV" that should hit the market, challenge one or two boundaries, beginning with its category. By having 600 horses in it, no one knows where ends the "utilitarian" and begins the "spaceship".

China, land of ancient traditions, beautiful women wearing a qipao, a monstrous production and duplication of just about anything, now has its Beijing Motor Show. This expo have not missed some "reinterpretations" of European cars by some Chinese manufacturers, but the fact is that China has also become a land of consumption, a detail that Western manufacturers have read perfectly. For this reason many companies do not hesitate to visit the Red Giant Asia to present products and ideas. Lamborghini has been one of them, but what's up is not a super-car, but what could be your entry to SUV market, or as some prefer, "sport utility".

Lamborghini Urus: The first Super SUV?

Lamborghini Urus (Wild OX) The first Sport Utility Vehicle(SUV)

The name is Urus (Uro or Wild OX), and although Lamborghini has presented as a concept SUV, it appears that there is a serious interest in bringing it to market in 2014 or 2015. Technical details about the Urus are not too large, but there is talk of a V10 engine in it, a power close to 600 horses, and extensive use of lightweight materials, along with some ideas that would be derived from the construction element Sesto . The Urus not only represent the entrance to a new market for Lamborghini (well, almost, because you can not forget the LM002), but also a major change in direction. Other companies have achieved a very interesting sales with their utility, and the Urus may be the golden ticket that allows Lamborghini board that train so profitable so far.

Stephan Winkelmann, Lamborghini CEO seems to be aware of what can generate the Urus. With a price tag estimated at two hundred thousand dollars, if the Urus entering the market would have an initial production of three thousand units, half of them destined to the U.S. and the UK, and the remainder divided among other markets, China appears obviously done . According to Winkelmann, the Urus is "extreme interpretation" of the SUV, so that he would consider creating another subcategory. With that power, would not surprise me to discover in a few years that the Urus is part of some high level competition. As an example, ten of the last eleven Dakar in the car category was won by an SUV.
Lamborghini Urus: The first Super SUV?
1:02 AM


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