The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Gameplay, Review and Trailer for PS3, Xbox 360

In Skyrim, Bethesda thought to improve what has been achieved in Oblivion, which in turn wanted to give greater packaging spectacular leap in the series as Morrowind. Again we find a vast and open to our preferences in playing world. There will be a series of missions which will be the central focus of the narrative of the game, but in the secondary is where will give way to our characters, and will also be our way of playing and living which guidance its role.
In fact, the main change in The Elder Scrolls Skyrim PS3 Xbox 360 will be the disappearance of the traditional class system: this time, your way to deal with 'Skyrim' will determine what your character immediately. Thus, does not choose to become a Warrior: we're and act as one of them would do it or we will become another thing.
In addition, Bethesda has promised many NPCs, all kinds of missions, more than 150 dungeons and large capacity so that our decisions in the game affect in real world. Do not change, Bethesda has even decided to amend the person who was already responsible for guiding the development teams 'Morrowind', 'Oblivion' and the large 'Fallout 3', Todd Howard, who this time had their dependants to a team of more than 100 people, the record for the company. Jeremy Soule also repeated as the epic soundtrack composer.
Elder Scrolls Skyrim PS3 Xbox 360 Review: 'Skyrim' the new engine

Skyrim is preceded by the announcement of Bethesda released Creation Engine, a new engine that will allow, among other things, that dragons can join the game, which is necessary because, as we have seen, a God will make Act of presence in the land that shaped and how he takes a nail? In fact, a part of the development team has been dedicated to them, the Dragons, and to balance their actions and their importance in the world more Nordic that we want to present 'Skyrim'.
Furthermore, everything related to the third person view and the design of landscapes and environments has improved, since the challenge was to make a game that aesthetically break with the previous Elder Scrolls, and also carry the capabilities of the current generation to the limit. Supposedly, the snow should surprise us: to be ubiquitous and important in the plot development of 'Skyrim', the team has sought the way to make it more real.
Elder Scrolls Skyrim PS3 Xbox 360 Release Date

Elder Scrolls Skyrim PS3 Xbox 360 Release Date wascheduled for Q3,2011 and it has been launched since November 11 for PC, PS3 and XBox 360. In addition to its normal Edition, there will is Special Edition with a sculpture of Alduin, the Dragon God, an official art book, a making - of DVD format and then a map of the province of Skyrim.
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